I was tagged for the Face Behind The Blog meme by Rory of hamelife.com. I enjoyed reading his, and I realize now that people might enjoy one that I did as well. I must admit that when I stopped to think, I realized that I actually had not put any pictures of myself on this blog. I am some anonymous (presumably) Asian male who writes for this blog. Well well well that’s interesting. So here we go!
I thought that I’d post pictures marking periods of change in my life. Oh and sorry that the quality is not very good. It was partly because I don’t have a quality scanner to get those prints that are only in hard form, and it is also partly on purpose because I don’t want high quality pictures of me floating around on the Internet. You never know what incriminating things people can do to you. ;-)
Ah young Derek, eagerly awaiting his birthday cake. I believe it was an ice cream pie. Those are good, indeed. Notice the obscenely large glasses. I believe the proper term for me back then was baller. :P
This was taken right before I got braces to fix those horrendous canine teeth.
bicuspids. (That would be the canine teeth if you didn’t know.) I had fun during that time but boy did those canine teeth bicuspids cut my lips!
A pictures of myself from high school. Thus marked the end of my strange (for the most part) days. This was taken sometime in the middle of high school. I didn’t like that time period in my life. But the pictures weren’t bad.
Here I am in China, and it is the most recent of the bunch. As you can see, I’m a much more interesting fellow. I’d like to think that I’ve come into my own and am comfortable in my own skin. :D Also notice the advent of the digital camera. Splendid!
So in continuing with this fun game, I’d like to tag Shelly at This Eclectic Life, Mat at matkishimoto’s blogspot, Ms. Q at qmusings, and HMTKSteve (strangely enough I don’t know if his name is actually Steve :P) at Ramblings of the Marginalized. You are by no means obliged to do this. I just thought that these would be some interesting people to see what kind of “different” pictures they could put up of themselves.
Others who have participated include:
Gayla at Mom Gadget Char at Essential Keystrokes Paul at Reflections
Rob at 2Dolphins Zep at The In-Sect
Ingo at Stixster Stevie at Lost In Cyberspace
The Paper Bull at (oddly enough) The Paper Bull Lisa Sabin-Wilson at Just A Girl In The World Dawud Miracle at dmiracle.com
Wendy Piersall at eMoms at Home Dennis Bjørn Petersen at Petersen Inc.
Randa Clay at Randa Clay Design Drew McLellan at The Marketing Minute Becky McCray at Small Biz Survival
Phil Gerbyshak at Make it Great! Steve Woodruff at StickyFigure
Dave Olson at Live the GREAT life that you desire Greg at Become a Remote Control SEO Ariane Benefit at Neat Living Blog
Genesis at the At Home Mom Blog Armen at iFFECT.NET
Mihaela Lica at Online Public Relations Tara at Graphic Design Blog Doris Chua at Home Office Women
Edward Mills at Evolving Times Tony D. Clark at Success from the Nest
Jonathan-C Phillips at SmartWealthyRich Karen at A Deaf Mom Shares Her World Lisa Gates at intrinsic life design
Rammel Firdaus at rammelfirdaus.com Carol at Pentimento
Adam Kayce at Monk at Work Thomas at Technical Blogger Tammy Lenski at I Can’t Say That!
Chris Brown at Branding & Marketing
Rory Sullivan at Hamelife