Going The Wong Way I'm ALWAYS going the Wong way

Tkinter Keyboard Bindings (In Python)

So I found this table useful, and I thought that I’d make it available for easier searching for those who might also look for it. It’s useful when creating a GUI with Tkinter in Python. I’m not really sure how much of that kind of development is going on, of course, but that’s beside the point.

Anyways this is specific to the “special keys” that are used in the bind method for event handling, so I’ve not looked into where else this particular information could be useful. I, for one, used this in order to bind the enter key on the keypad to the same functions as the normal enter button. It was annoying me while using The Budgeteer because I couldn’t figure out what the name of the button to bind was. That has thankfully been remedied!

Example: root = Tk() def hello(*ignore): print 'Hello World' root.bind('<return>', hello) root.mainloop()


Alt_L 64 65513 The left-hand alt key

Alt_R 113 65514 The right-hand alt key

BackSpace 22 65288 backspace

Cancel 110 65387 break

Caps_Lock 66 65549 CapsLock

Control_L 37 65507 The left-hand control key

Control_R 109 65508 The right-hand control key

Delete 107 65535 Delete

Down 104 65364 ↓

End 103 65367 end

Escape 9 65307 esc

Execute 111 65378 SysReq

F1 67 65470 Function key F1

F2 68 65471 Function key F2

Fi 66+i 65469+i Function key Fi

F12 96 65481 Function key F12

Home 97 65360 home

Insert 106 65379 insert

Left 100 65361 ←

Linefeed 54 106 Linefeed (control-J)

KP_0 90 65438 0 on the keypad

KP_1 87 65436 1 on the keypad

KP_2 88 65433 2 on the keypad

KP_3 89 65435 3 on the keypad

KP_4 83 65430 4 on the keypad

KP_5 84 65437 5 on the keypad

KP_6 85 65432 6 on the keypad

KP_7 79 65429 7 on the keypad

KP_8 80 65431 8 on the keypad

KP_9 81 65434 9 on the keypad

KP_Add 86 65451

  • on the keypad

KP_Begin 84 65437 The center key (same key as 5) on the keypad

KP_Decimal 91 65439 Decimal (.) on the keypad

KP_Delete 91 65439 delete on the keypad

KP_Divide 112 65455 ↓ on the keypad

KP_Down 88 65433 on the keypad

KP_End 87 65436 end on the keypad

KP_Enter 108 65421 enter on the keypad

KP_Home 79 65429 home on the keypad

KP_Insert 90 65438 insert on the keypad

KP_Left 83 65430 ← on the keypad

KP_Multiply 63 65450

  • on the keypad

KP_Next 89 65435 PageDown on the keypad

KP_Prior 81 65434 PageUp on the keypad

KP_Right 85 65432 → on the keypad

KP_Subtract 82 65453

  • on the keypad

KP_Up 80 65431 ↑ on the keypad

Next 105 65366 PageDown

Num_Lock 77 65407 NumLock

Pause 110 65299 pause

Print 111 65377 PrintScrn

Prior 99 65365 PageUp

Return 36 652933 The enter key (control-M). The name Enter refers to a mouse-related event, not a keypress

Right 102 65363 →

Scroll_Lock 78 65300 ScrollLock

Shift_L 50 65505 The left-hand shift key

Shift_R 62 65506 The right-hand shift key

Tab 23 65289 The tab key

Up 98 65362 ↑
