Going The Wong Way I'm ALWAYS going the Wong way

Why Hype Up The iPhone?

Is it just me, or is it tiring listening to things getting hyped up? More specifically, I’m rather tired of reading and seeing the iPhone everywhere. If you don’t know, the iPhone is the new upcoming cellular phone that combines the media and ease of use of an iPod with the web browsing and touchscreen of a smart phone.

Sounds good doesn’t it? Well I’m sure that it will be nice, but it’s not going to be the end all to everything. I don’t even get why there is such a tremendous amount of hype! Everyone is completely enamored with Apple products all of a sudden even if they’re simply a good-looking product that does not even have anything new to offer (look up Apple TV). Sure they have some real nice products, but not everything that they touch is going to turn to gold.

Smart phones have existed. Touchscreens have existed. Phones that can play music and video have existed. Devices that can access the Internet have existed.

So the only new thing is something that does these things from Apple. How novel. How worth $500. Coming this upcoming week to an Apple fanatic near you.
